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2024   Baby Shower Volunteer Page

Thank you for your interest in the AnnualCommunity Baby Shower. 

If you are interested in Sponsoring a Baby Bundle, Swag Bags, Special Gifts or Volunteering as an individual or group, please click the link below and Register TODAY. 

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The Baby Bundles Micro Event is a fun way to share the ministry of LIFEBRIDGE while providing much needed items for a Baby Bundle. Because our Community Baby Shower is only once a year in the spring, we have a number of expectant families who cannot participate. Young moms and couples attend The Nesting Place Classes to prepare for labor & delivery, newborn care, and early childhood deveoplment. We love to provide them wth a bundle of much needed and special items for their new baby. 

1. Pick Your Event/Date/Venue/Participants and Contact LIFEBRIDGE
You can set up a micro event fundraiser around a mini Baby Baby Shower or simply a presentation for a small group or Sunday School class.
LIFEBRIDGE can help you plan the event, provide the shopping list for needed baby items and LIFEBRIDGE materials.

2. Get Your Baby Bundles Kit
Idea's & Instructions, Promotional Video Clip, and Moses Baby Baskets for decorating and transporting items back to LIFEBRIDGE. 

3. Host Your Event 
You can have people bring baby items to bring to the event for the Bundle. Guests can sign up to volunteer with future events, become an Impact Team Member and sponsor the mothly classes for a client or sign up to become a Godmother and provide monthly diapers/wipes. 

4. Return Baby Bundles & Donations to LIFEBRIDGE
LIFEBRIDGE will follow up with a Thank You note and "the rest of the story" about the family that was sponsored. 

Here's how it works. 

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